All donations to the Foundation are considered tax deductible. -
Unless you opt to support a school with a $750 donation, you cannot specifically choose the school you would like to support. You can though, regardless of donating, nominate a school to receive a First Putt package. Click here to nominate a school!
As the foundation begins sending out packages to schools, we will rely on the entire disc golf community to help teach and cultivate a space that welcomes new players, specifically young athletes! Make sure you are active in your local disc golf club. Volunteer to teach and promote the sport every time you have the opportunity. Your commitment to getting involved is vital in bringing up the next generation of players!
Through the generosity of our corporate partners we can deliver packages at an average cost of just $500. (50 Putters & 1 Basket)
Anticipated life cycle of each package= 3 Years
Average student enrollment in US Public School in 2022:
Elementary (K-5)= 514
Middle School(6-8)= 712
High School= (9-12) 909
Average number of students that circulate through each school over a 3 year period:
Elementary (K-5)= 771
Middle School(6-8)= 1,424
High School= (9-12) 1,590
Cost per student:
Elementary (K-5)= $.64
Middle School(6-8)= $.35
High School (9-12)= $.34